Step 1: Credit Assessment


Essentially what we do is provide a deep credit analysis of your credit history and pinpoint any inaccurate or misleading information to dispute with creditors. You set up a profile and we keep you updated on the status of disputed items with creditors. We offer individualized plans and software to help you rebuild and alter spending patterns. Our program is available 24/7 to help you track any updates or progress on your credit file. Our experts will guide you on ways to best rebuild your credit and communicate with you on our restoration programs. We focus on customer satisfaction and utilizing the latest finance tools. Let our credit experts put you on the path to financial freedom and start taking advantage of everything that comes with having good credit.

Step 2: Dispute Process


We keep a detailed file on any inaccurate or database information in our programs, and begin the process of challenging creditors and credit bureaus. Transparency is important to us in our clients and we provide feedback and constant communication so you are always aware of your situation. If an item comes back verified with no change, we follow up with a Credit Bureaus to negotiate a resolution. With our restoration and repair programs you can trust that everything that can be done to improve your credit, is being accomplished.

Step 3: Tracking Process


Sit back and let us handle the work! You can see your client portal 24/7 for live status updates on improvements on your credit report. Our experts are constantly analyzing ways to repair your credit score. While we know the process of waiting for a response can be nerve-racking, we help you become more knowledgeable about your credit with our online tools. We send updates on financial education, debt settlement, foreclosures, and more. You can simply log into your account to learn more about our feature products such as credit monitoring, legal assistance, and rebuilding credit cards. We give you professional financial advice and recommendations to empower you in the daunting world of finance. With our phenomenal services you’ll be on your way to reestablishing credit and stabilizing your financial future. Let us navigate the waters of the unstable world of finance and credit bureaus with our educational and innovative programs and services.

Step 4:  Credit Restoration


We will do our best to maximize your results using our custom tactics on the credit bureaus so you can restore your credit and achieve your credit goals. We guide you with the right accounts to open to help build and establish your revolving credit so that you’re able to get approved for a home loan, auto loan, credit cards etc. Once the updated reports have been updated we will analyze the updates for any changes to the inaccurate, misleading and unverified information. If there are changes we will update your file and then move onto the next inaccurate, misleading and verifiable items. Any changes will be updated in the client portal where you will be able to see the results as they change and become deleted. If the item comes back verified with no change, we will then follow up with the Bureaus or creditors to try and get a resolution on why the inaccurate information is still on the credit report. We focus on fixing your credit from start to finish. Our goal is to help consumers with bad credit through our credit repair and restoration program.